What is eCauda?

eCauda is an ecosystem of applications and platforms that solve pain points for most of the musical instrument industry stakeholders. It uses blockchain technologies to ensure the traceability of any instrument, both new and used. Each instrument is unequivocally identified in an immutable blockchain register and recognized with the help of AI and computer vision more

Our ecosystem

eCauda enables lots of creative use cases Find your role and learn more!

eCauda for Musicians

Helping to manage uncertainties

My instrument details and history

eCauda records all data about your instrument: age, present, and past owners. It also traces its origin and all repairs and maintenance operations.

Order services and repairs from trusted providers

eCauda provides a marketplace where finding the perfect professional for your needs can't be easier and more secure.

My instrument is stolen!

As the legal owner, you can block transmissions. Any network participant, including the authorities, can contact you and help you to get it back.

eCauda for luthiers and shops

Boost your reputation and increase your sales

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Get reviews from real clients

The quality of your instruments and services will be reviewed by your clients. Attract additional customers searching for quality in your city.

Previous repairs and warranty

Know what you or other luthiers and shops did to the instrument and when. The warranty of your services is traceable and stored in a trustful database.

Increase your sales

Get access to instrument owners that could need your services. Send promotions and create new cross-selling opportunities.

eCauda for brands

Keep track of your instruments

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Identify illegal resellers

eCauda's business intelligence will report unusual accumulation of instruments under a given account.

Quality assessment and improvement

What repairs your instruments need? eCauda can help you to predict failures and offer preventive maintenance.

Understand the second-hand market

eCauda provides helpful insights and raw data that could improve your decision-making.

eCauda for bands, orchestras and schools

Manage your instrument inventory

Manage borrowed instruments

Know who is using an instrument at any given time. Optimize your assets, lowering your costs.

Rent and buy equipment securely

Open tenders and ask for offers to trusted providers. Find partners in eCauda's marketplace.

Identify your equipment at a gig

Your equipment got mixed with other bands? Flash them with eCauda and confirm what is yours and what is not!

eCauda for renting companies

Increase the average use time and avoid thefts

Select the right client

Problematic clients can be flagged, increasing the security of your operations.

Increase rotation

Sitting instruments do not generate revenues. Get them exposed to thousands of potential clients.

Block stolen instruments

An instrument didn't get back to your warehouse? Flag it and the eCauda community will tell you if found.

eCauda for museums

Traceability and information for your visitors

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Track your instruments

Comply with the UNESCO and European Union regulations about historical and cultural items.

Lend and borrow to other collections

Use our smart contracts to display your items in temporary collections and increase their impact.

A virtual museum for your visitors

Place a QR code near your instrument and eCauda users will be able to get multimedia contents about it.

How does it work?



All transactions, repairings, and information about an instrument are securely recorded in an immutable ledger.


Instrument identification

Our algorithms prevent an instrument to be registered more than once. Stolen instruments can't re-enter the system.


Data protection

Only the legal owner of the instrument can decide what info to share and with whom. eCauda encrypts all your info!

Who are we?

Why "eCauda"?

“Cauda” is a 12th-13th Century long contrapuntal musical section written over the same syllable of some conductus texts.

“Cauda” is a 12th-13th Century long contrapuntal musical section written over the same syllable of some conductus texts.

Our vision

We want to minimize the biggest uncertainties that all musical instrument owner or manager faces. Artists should not worry about material things. A more secure way of managing instruments means lower costs, and lower costs mean fewer barriers for the musician's creativity.

Our mission

We want eCauda to become the place where musicians buy and sell their instruments, providing a trustful way of sharing historical data. We aspire to be not only the first, but the leading solution and to maintain leadership through constant innovation.

Our values

Maximum data security. It is the user who decides who he wants to share data with. Musicians at the center. Simplicity, collaboration and love for music.